Ironically, “access” is a perennial barrier to optimal care for too many patients. From increased community outreach and partnerships to new buildings and even additional telehealth options, health systems continue to try anything and everything to combat the complex access issue.
Becker’s Healthcare Review detailed some of these efforts in a recent article that designated access a C-suite buzzword for 2025. NavvTrack is helping innovative providers tackle access head on.
Mobile devices have become vital for caregivers to provide timely, quality care. NavvTrack increases efficiency and reduces waste by allowing frontline managers to visualize the location of iOS devices and team members on a real-time facility map. We call it care traffic control - and it lets staff focus on providing care for patients, rather than caring for provider devices.
The healthcare workforce is smaller, has higher demands and needs to be more efficient. Yet still somewhere on the order of 30% of time is non-productive, non-billable work. The time a nurse has to take to hunt for a free – and charged – phone at the beginning of a shift or after a code is precious. It’s also an unnecessary frustration in a job that’s stressful enough.
Nurses aren’t the only ones who benefit. NavvTrack is useful for patient transporters, laboratory workers, or others moving patients or supplies around massive facilities. With an at-a-glance dashboard, managers can allocate the nearest resources, completing more tasks per shift with the fastest response times. After receiving a task in Epic, by radio, or other means, dispatchers or leaders can scan NavvTrack to assign the nearest employee, decreasing patient wait time and increasing levels of care, and of course driving increased access to care.
So often technology is perceived as just another process to be learned. What we’ve found is adopting technology often enhances processes, solves lingering problems and benefits teams. Investing in care coordination platforms to improve efficiency – and in NavvTrack’s case security as well – is the future. And we are excited to be in the forefront.